
Why I chose to make this costume:
I've wanted to cosplay one of the Ame-Comi figures ever since they came out. I thought it was a great idea to re-interpret some of the DC Comics characters in anime style and come up with new designs for them. The Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy designs are my absolute favorites and since I didn't want to paint myself green for a busy weekend at Dragoncon, I decided to make Wonder Woman. I am so happy this got done in time for the event - it is my first DC Comics costume, too!
How I made this costume:
I really loved making this costume because it required thinking outside the box and coming up with a technique that would allow the armor to be lightweight but still sturdy. originally I had wanted to sculpt the pieces and cast them in resin but that would have been expensive and heavy. I decided instead to make the pieces out of Wonderflex and cover them. I had the best reference which was the figure itself, and using it I made paper templates for every piece of the armor from shoulder pad to shin guards, shield, gauntlets, headpiece and breastplate. I painstakingly cut the pieces out, shaped them and covered them, then went back and did the same thing with the ornate gold borders. It was a time-consuming process but only cost $60 in materials, a fraction of what resin and rubber would have cost. I structured the breastplate over a steel-boned corset which I built. The loincloth is blue dupioni silk with fabric stars hand cut out and heat-n-bonded to the silk. The shoulder pad and lasso are both attached via straps which I made to be accurate to the figure's design. The wig is actually two wigs sewn together plus extensions for the ponytail. Thank you to Brian Boling and Jeremy Keast for their assistance with handling scary power tools to make the wooden sword.
Thoughts on this costume:
I had a blast being Wonder Woman! Even people who were unfamiliar with the Ame-Comi designs recognized me as the character and the reaction I got while in this costume was astounding. I think it has something to do with the iconic status of Wonder Woman lol. My favorite part was taking many many pictures with little kids. Some of the girls were dressed as Wonder Woman as well and it was too cute.
At New York Comic Con I was asked to stop by the DC Comics booth and ended up doing an impromptu photo op there. Ame-Comi designer Fletcher even took the WW figure out of the case to pose with me. It was really nice to see the designer and the studio appreciating cosplayers.