Ranma 1/2

Why I chose to make this costume:
I read the Ranma 1/2 mangas when I was like 13 years old! This is and will always be one of my most loved series. Shampoo is my favorite and I wanted to cosplay her for ages. Finally my friends and I were able to organize a group at Anime Expo 2008 so I chose this cute red outfit to make.
How I made this costume:
I chose a red brocade for the main dress and lined it with a lavender poly blend. The butterfly is embroidered on, and the sash is made out of silk essence. The frog closures are fully functional. This was a super easy costume to put together and I had the most fun with the wig. I did totally burn my leg with hot glue while making the hair balls. :( I added some flowers to the wig since Shampoo often wears them in the series. The shoes and sword were bought.
Thoughts on this costume:
I had the most hilarious time at the gathering—we were acting like such goofs and taking all these "in character" pics and being ridiculous! Hence the huge photo gallery lol. Thank you to my awesome buddies for dressing up with me! Now that I have the wig, I most definitely will make a couple more outfits for Shampoo and do this again!