Marvel's Scarlet Witch

Why I chose to make this costume:
Marvel re-designed Wanda for her own comic book series! The ornate crown is what convinced me to cosplay this version. I also had the honor of partaking in the Marvel Cosplay Covers project for a second year in a row, and managed to finish Scarlet Witch and do a photoshoot in time.
How I made this costume:
The focus point of this costume is the bejeweled crown. First, I bent floral wire into shape, securing ends with thin jewelry wire. I used Apoxie Sculpt to give it more shape, and to reinforce the connector points. After spray painting the wire frame red, I wrapped red jewelry wire around various sections for added support, since I planned to glue heavier glass crystals onto the piece. Using fabric glue, I covered the entire structure with the red netting. Afterward, I glued crystals all over the headpiece with E6000 and a pin. Pick up some glue with the pin, then the gem, then set in place. Super easy to use.
The top is a weird off-the-shoulder bodice that shows a lot of decolletage and has beautiful embroidery details. I chose perhaps not the most logical fabric for an embroidered bodice—the Ultrapreme rubberized spandex from my Cosplay Fabrics line. The red color was accurate, and I thought it had a cool, futuristic look for a stylish superhero. The fabric gave me some pause because I would have to embroider it, and I wasn't sure how well my machine would repeatedly punch through flexible rubber! But the Bernina B580 really impressed me. It took the design I created on their Embroidery Studio and transferred it beautifully onto the Ultrapreme.
After that nerve-wracking step, it was fairly easy to sew the bodice together.
The cape is made from red peachskin, which I grabbed at Jo-Ann Fabrics. It is a simple circle pattern, and I made sure to use French seams to seal the edges, roll over the hem twice, and press it nicely. The clasp was a lucky find, which I painted red.
Thoughts on this costume:
First of all, I'm so excited that Marvel brought back the Cosplay Covers! It's such a generous and cool gesture toward the cosplay community, from such a behemoth of a company. It's the ultimate thumbs up to one of their most devoted fanbases.
I'm incredibly grateful to be a part of the 2016 Cosplay Variant Cover Series again. My variant cover is for Scarlet Witch #10, which you can still find at comic book shops, if you're lucky. I adore Wanda as a character, and am thrilled that she got her own series! I feel so confident whenever I cosplay Scarlet Witch, and my favorite part about this costume, besides the blinged-out crown, has got to be the luxurious wig!
Watch a Making Of video for this costume!